
The Quintessential Cappuccino: Crafting the Perfect Balance

The Quintessential Cappuccino: Crafting the Perfect Balance
A classic cappuccino ratio is typically one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third foam.
For the espresso, you want to make sure that you use a medium/medium dark roast espresso, like our Espresso Fino Blend. This will give you the bitterness needed to balance out the sweetness of the steamed milk. Too light of a roast and the acidity level of the coffee will make the cappuccino taste sharp and unbalanced. You’ll want to also use a high-quality Specialty Coffee from your favorite roaster and not something that has been sitting on a grocery store shelf for weeks or months. 
For the milk you’ll want to make sure that you steam it correctly. The cappuccino needs a good amount of milk foam so you’ll want to make sure you aerate the milk enough to create that milk foam without overheating the milk as that will reduce the sweetness and your drink will be unbalanced. I prefer to use whole cows milk as the fat content in the milk makes steaming easier and ensures you have a creamy drink. 
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