
Best Coffee beans for Espresso

Best Coffee beans for Espresso
Let’s start off by debunking  the notion that there is a difference between coffees used for drip/filter coffee and for espresso. They are the same beans, meaning that any coffee that you use for drip/filter coffee you can use for espresso and vis versa. But the question is do you want to? 
An espresso machine brews coffee by forcing pressurized hot water through finely-ground coffee. This process extracts flavors and oils quickly, producing a concentrated and shot of espresso. 
This brewing process will accentuate any flavors that are inherent in the coffee. So if we use a coffee that is fruity and very high in acidity the end espresso shot will be overly acidic and taste like hot fruit juice. If we use a coffee that has a very low acidity and inherent notes of chocolate then the espresso shot will be chocolaty but also not lively in your pallet. 
Due to this accentuation of flavors we recommend that you use a blend of coffees that will in-turn give you a balanced, enjoyable shot of espresso. Meaning that it will be equal in respects to acidity, tasting notes and bitterness.
 You’ll also want to think about what this espresso is going to taste like when we use it to create a latte or cappuccino.  When you use a very light and fruity roast the espresso flavors will be washed away by the milk. With milk drinks you want to ensure that the sweetness of the milk balances out the bitterness of the espresso and that the espresso has enough backbone to hold its own when mixed with milk. 
We recommend starting with a medium roast like our Espresso Fino Blend. This will give you notes of Dark Chocolate, Roasted Nuts and Raspberry while holding up the being put into a latte or cappuccino. If you like your espresso a little more lively and Acidic, then we recommend our Espresso Vivo Blend
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