
I know my coffee is roasted before I drink it, but what does that even mean?

I know my coffee is roasted before I drink it, but what does that even mean?

Coffee roast is often a topic of confusion, and this article will provide clarity to the topic so you can better understand differences in roast levels. We picked 5 of the most common questions about roast and provided answers below.


  1. What does 'roast level' mean?

Roast level is identified by the color of the coffee once its roasted, this is broken down into 3 main categories: Light, Medium, Dark


  1. Does darker roasted coffee have more caffeine?

Short answer, no. Caffeine levels are comparable across the board, roast level just makes different flavors stand out in the coffee.


  1. What difference does roast make to flavor?

The roasting process is what lets us bring out the best flavors in a coffee; The lighter a coffee is roasted the more sweet and fruity flavors can come through, while darker roasts make the dark chocolate and earthy flavors more pronounced.


  1. Does roast affect acidity and body of the coffee?

Roasting coffee darker develops a heavier body and tones down acidity. This is an inverse relationship, so lighter roasts will have higher acidity and less body. 


  1. Which is best for me?

Generally, a light roasted coffee drinker will prefer it black, so those sweeter flavors can shine, while a dark roast enjoyer will want to add milk and sweetener with a coffee flavor bold enough to still come through. It's up to your preference on which tastes best to you!


Still not sure which roast is right for you?  Contact us through our website!  We love to help coffee lovers find the perfect addition to their daily coffee routine.


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